Optimax Communication Ltd is Private Limited Company duly registered by Register of Joint Stock Company of Bangladesh. It is the company of information communication and technology to provide the services like Broadband Internet, Web Development, Domain Registration, Network Solution, Internet through Radio link, Cybercafe, Software Development, Data Entry, Other Information & Communication Technology service, etc.
Optimax has 2 wings:
1. Broadband Internet Service Provider as Nation-wide ISP
2. International Internet Gateway (IIG)
Board of Directors of Optimax
1. Shirin Shila Chairman Optimax Communication Ltd. |
2. Sikha Barua Director Optimax Communication Ltd. |
3. Iqbal Bahar Zahid Director Optimax Communication Ltd. |
4. Emdadul Hoque Molla Director Optimax Communication Ltd. |
Top Management
1. Shirin Shila
Optimax Communication Ltd.
2. Iqbal Bahar Zahid
Director, Marketing & Finance
Optimax Communication Ltd.
3. Emdadul Hoque Molla
Director, Technical & Operation
Optimax Communication Ltd.
The Executive Directors have extensive knowledge in ICT field for the last 18 years.